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Zenoti shares time-saving revenue strategies for busy spa owners

Running a spa is no easy feat. In a single day, you might manage scheduling, marketing, financials, facilities and more. Your to-do list leaves little time to consider how to increase revenue and drive your brand forward – but you can grow your earnings with ease. Here are some ideas.

Crucially, encouraging your current clientele to visit often and spend more requires fewer resources than competing for new guests. In fact, research from Lee Resources shows that acquiring a new guest can cost up to five times more than retaining one.

To help busy spa owners generate more revenue, the all-in-one spa software brand Zenoti created a whitepaper which Spa Business readers can download for free.
The whitepaper offers suggestions like:

Use targeted guest lists: speak to guests based on their behaviour. Utilise data insights like age, goals, and skin or hair type, to send personalised emails or texts likely to inspire action.

Don’t offer discounts when they aren’t needed: if you apply a one-size-fits-all approach to your promotions, you risk giving discounts to guests who would have returned regularly and paid full price regardless. Instead, create custom promotions that offer something meaningful and new to people most likely to show interest.

Make upselling easy: use automated pop-ups in your spa software to remind your team of upsell opportunities. In addition, integrate those messages into your online or app guest experience, suggesting add-on or higher-priced services based on the guest’s actions.

For more tips to boost your bottom line, download the full whitepaper: Four strategies for maximising spa revenue.

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